Monday, 18 March 2013

Navel Gazing

Meaning:  literally, the contemplation of one's navel, which is an idiom usually meaning complacent self-absorption.


Fresh from the Oscar, Golden Globe, and other glitzy awards affair (where the same movies are nominated, and the same actors and actresses attend) hype, here are some movies that came off better than their peers: 

About the rescue of 6 US diplomats from Iran, during the 1979 Iran hostage crisis.
For more details about the movie, read here

Zero Dark Thirty
"History's greatest manhunt for the world's most dangerous man". Their words, not mine, This movie chronicles again, US military's hunt for the US public enemy #1: Osama bin Laden. Synopsis here

And now, as I read the news online I'm being bombarded by advertisements and trailers promoting 'Olympus has Fallen', a soon to be released movie about you guessed it, terrorists attacking the White House. 

Now I don't know about all of you, but I've just about had it with US-centric Hollywood produced million dollar blockbuster movies. Why is it that the majority of villians have to speak with a former USSR country type accent? Either that or a supposed Chinese character who speaks Japanese? (Hollywood is not very particular about details as can be seen in many of their historical period dramas and portrayals of non-Anglo people). I've never been to New York, but I've seen it being destroyed so many times on screen that I'm getting familiar with the roads and landmarks there. 

It's my opinion that the premise of these foreign (and usually Eastern) dark forces threatening to overturn the balance of the rational West (in this case, the almighty US of A), and consume  them with Eastern ideologies (Communism, heaven forbid!), that is shown on the silver screen largely reflects the (ok I'm going to use this word now) navel-gazing, "my country is the best in the world", attitudes of many an American. To put it simply, yes America is a great nation that is still considered one of the main powerhouses that -if I may say it- run the world... however, I think it's time we lifted our eyes and gazed around us to consider other factors too should we become too narrow minded. 

All these aside, I just want more movies made that shows more of less America. 

Just a thought, would the next supervilian to come to the cinemas be North Korean? Hmm... 

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

I'm going to become an ADULT?!

The boom of festivities has abated now that all 15 days of Chinese New Year has passed. Life slowly returns to sober normalcy and people once again start counting down the days to Labour Day.

As for this person, I will be entering the working world next month (which is kinda in 2 days time), and I am apprehensively excited! This will be my first REAL job and I hope not to mess it up. Finally, this girl is a little bit more of an adult. I don't know if anyone truly feels like they're adults. At heart, we're probably all children  playing make belief at being an adult. Sometimes watching adults you respect act like brats really reinforces that idea. I certainly don't feel like a mature grown up. But that said, whatever our age, it's always good to be youthful and young at heart, no? Wait.... what? Heck it's good to be YOUNG.

At this point of time I don't have much to offer (if we were to use society's measuring tape).
No money
No car
No house
No guy

But what I do have is youth (huhu reaching my mid-20s very soon...), ambition, and my God who is crazy about me. If this is the valley, there is no where else to go but up, up, up!

Last month, I was rather dejected because I felt like I had lost my passion, and especially my ambition. "Where do you see yourself in ___ years" questions floored me as I felt I had lost my bearings. But I think I see a vague hint of a road sign now. The road to take is getting clearer... As I become more settled here, I begin to have an idea of where I see myself, and the causes I want to champion, or at least be a part of. Isn't life liveable when you have something to look forward to; something to live for... To lose that, even temporarily, was scary and depressing.

First things first... I need to lose some unwanted fats! humph muffin top we will be parting soon.

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

valentine's day again

I suppose I should begin by wishing everyone a Happy Valentine's day. May you always love and be loved. And not take advantage of people who love you more.

Well yes, I'm flying solo this V-day as per the past few years. But no regrets or bitter feelings towards flower totting boy friends and ring-receiving girlfriends. Bring on the candlelights and roses if you must! I'm sure your other half will appreciate the gesture :)

Soooo... in a parallel universe where dreams do come true, here are the guys that I would date this Vday. Well... a girl can always dream... right?

1. Gilbert Blythe from 'Anne of Green Gables'

My all time favourite male character in all the books I've read. I don't know of any girl who after reading Anne of Green Gables didn't swoon over Gilbert. He was the ultimate hero... strong and dependable, yet down to earth as well. Here's an article to prove it.

2. Dimitri from 'Anastasia'

I think more people know about my schoolgirl crush on Dimitri. He has like... the nicest hair ever... for a 2D character of that time. Seriously... the way it sways when he moves... and so shiny!

3. Haku from 'Spirited Away'

Yeah Denise and her 2D crushes. I know Haku looks like a prepubescent boy in the show... but he's really this river spirit who is much much older than that. How he looks after Chihiro throughout the years and does so much for her out of love... even if she IS only 10 years old. hmmmmm..

4. Peeta from 'The Hunger Games' 

At least he can bake right? He's always making Katniss her favourite cheese buns and stuff. I think that's really sweet.

So yeah... at the present moment, I guess it don't matter if I don't have a flesh and blood man with me. I still have my dream boys anyhow. Although it's probably quite childish of me to still be doing this right? Oh well...

Happy Valentine's again! and spend the day with loved ones yo!

Friday, 8 February 2013

Huat ah!

So according to yesterday's The Sun newspaper, I'm an earth snake? supposedly very down to earth (haha you don't say) and relaxed. Ah am I? I don't know... don't believe in all this stuff anyway.

Anyway Penang has been and is very congested with people and their vehicles and then some. I wonder how much more this island can take. Well, for those who will be here for the few days of CNY, all the best and enjoy the extra carbon dioxide. I'll be up north where it's quieter. For two days anyway haha... it's not a long time. 

So just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Chinese New Year, have a good reunion with your family members and let's see how many "relative stereotypes" come true this holiday. 

"so what are you doing now?"
"got boyfriend already?" 
"got job already?" 

Those will be mine. Think I've gotten my template answers ready haha. 

Gong Xi Fa Cai! 

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

why are people so complicated?

Is it better to

A) maintain a distance by not participating in some social events and circles to avoid getting too involved in all the gossip and the drama?

B) get involved anyway because it's lonely to be alone and you still need to be social to be normal (whatever that means), EVEN if sometimes it gets a bit difficult to tell who's genuine and who's not?

Answer: __________________________

I don't think I'm very good at being "normal". But maybe everyone feels that way about themselves. It's just that we project a socially acceptable side to others so people won't realise how dysfunctional we really feel inside.

I really need to stop the bad habit of gossipping. Even if it means I won't have much to say anymore. Which is sad because I don't just want to have a conversation that hugely consists of juicy and probably judgemental stories about other people's personal lives. Oh well... one can always try.

Thursday, 31 January 2013


What I wrote 3 weeks ago but never published:

After the whirlwind of packing, then unpacking, then packing again for our family Hatyai trip, I've finally managed to have a breather, and start getting my things in order. Well... I believe START is the keyword.
Start looking for jobs. Sent out some CVs today... *fingers crossed*
Start renewing friendships and making new ones.
Start carving a niche for myself here after the nomadic lifestyle of the past three years.

Already, coming back home this time around feels different.



I feel like... the world's laziest blogger. Haven't really been doing much except for attending a few interviews and feeding the mass population of mosquitoes and other flesh-biting, bloodsucking insect in Penang. Seriously, it's getting out of hand! I got into a lift today and came out with a mosquito bite. If I had a coin for every "goh lui chi puat" that forms on my body, probably can treat myself to a nice toast and half boiled egg breakfast already.

Seems like every person I meet greets me with "so have you found a job?". Which is fine I guess... it is the standard how do you do for my circumstance. But after the 20th person, it does get a bit tiring. And it makes me feel more loserish telling them "no, I don't. still... looking...". But when I say that I've been to 3 interviews so far everyone gives me the "WAH so fast go find for job already ah?". So, I'm kinda confused. But anyhow, it's all good, cos I know they're just concerned people or just practising acceptable social greetings. Man, it does sound nerdy when I say things like that.

Life just doesn't wait for anyone, does it? It just moves on like a train, and you just have to get on while you can. Otherwise, as cliche as it sounds... life will just pass you by. Opportunities are God-given and there for the taking. I only hope I'll be alert enough to snatch them as they pass by, and wise enough to discern the gems from the rock. I still don't know what or where I see myself in 5 years time (it really stumps me when these kind of questions turn up in interviews), but I know I am ambitious. I am ambitious to see myself in a job I can call my career, and I am ambitious to be financially independent.
But, doesn't every fresh graduate feel the same? The burning desire to go out and make their mark in the world... to earn heaps of moolah etc. Me, I don't know about being rich and standing out or blazing a trail of glory. But what I do want, is to find my place in the whole scheme of things. To love and to be loved. and to be happy.

Ah, how corny.

Truth be told, I really find all these corny moments really awkward. I don't really enjoy talking about feelings and having little cries and touchy-feely moments. Actually, except for boyfriends (that's in a different category altogether), I try to stay away from any kind of physical contact. Until I went to NZ. People there like to hug you know... So I learnt, and it's not that bad. haha. But sometimes I still have panicky moments a second or two before I close in for a hug. Like, "where do I put my hands? Which side do I face??! Oh no, he/she's leaning in now!". Don't you get that too? Or am I being weird? Call me hard-hearted if you will. I do have feelings! (yes I keep telling myself and everyone else that), I just choose to show them in different ways. And i feel loved in ways that is less physical touch, and more through actions and deeds.

And Boom! another long post. Hope you actually get to the end.