What would you do if you could start any business venture and money was not a problem?
Oh how nice to be in that ideal hypothetical world where people were not afraid to start new things and create from their hearts. Just because. How long have I let fear of failing hold me back from doing what I wanted to do? Too often. Fear. That four letter word we need to use less in our vocabulary and just take the first brave step forward. This is my journey this year. This is my mission: to do something I would normally surrender to fear. Like maybe approach someone I don't know. Or learn to scuba dive. Or something. It's freaking me out to think of doing them, but one step...
You can probably tell I'm in my Walter Mitty phase at the moment. Which, was a brilliant, moving and thought provoking movie, by the way. To just let go and instead of imagining about things, to go out and actually do them. To live in the moment. But ironically, my favourite moment in the movie was when W.M finally found the elusive photographer he was on a goose chase to locate, and he asked him why he didn't capture an even more shy and rare ghost cat (or something of that sort) with his camera after waiting for it for days.
This scene spoke volumes of what I have felt oftentimes but could not express in words. The poignancy of that moment, so sacred and beautiful, there is no need to capture it. Because to catch it, would be to take away from it the very essence that made it special in the first place. Sometimes, it's just enough to be able to stay in the moment. I love it.
One moment that really stood out for me was when we had a really bad freak storm in Penang. I was caught in the rain and had a solitary meal in McDonalds after work because I didn't think I needed an umbrella before the torrent started. Anyway, when I was walking back to my car during a brief hiatus from the rain, I was alone in the carpark in twilight with the wind blowing my hair like a crazy lady and the thunder and lighting. I just felt wild. And free. And oh so powerful and one with God. Like, I don't know how on earth being in the middle of a storm can make one feel crazy and scared but so grounded and safe at the same time. That one moment, nothing else mattered. It was just me and the elements. And I loved every single moment of it. I don't think my words do it justice. Maybe you have moments of your own that you hold so precious that maybe even retelling it might desecrate it.
I've gotten so sidetracked from my original topic. What I wanted to say was, I think I'd like to open a little cafe/coffee shop where books, lover of books, music, and ideas collide. It would be in rustic little shoplot decorated simply with white walls, paper lanterns, and fairy lights in the evenings. Cosy armchairs, and stools for those who prefer them. Beanbags upstairs where the second hand bookstore would be, where people are encouraged to check out books they want to read and buy them if they like it so much. Where people can exchange books and have discussions about them. Also, there would be plants, little pops of green just because I like it. And open mic nights where anyone can sign up as long as they have something worth saying or performing. Homegrown bands starting small would be welcomed too. Ah that would be nice.
Maybe it's a little bit pretentious or "hipster", but how better to meet like minded people. In an ideal world right? Where money didn't matter. Maybe it'll happen some day. When I have the proper experience and money-mindedness to see this start up actually make money. Because in this world, money matters.
Oh how nice to be in that ideal hypothetical world where people were not afraid to start new things and create from their hearts. Just because. How long have I let fear of failing hold me back from doing what I wanted to do? Too often. Fear. That four letter word we need to use less in our vocabulary and just take the first brave step forward. This is my journey this year. This is my mission: to do something I would normally surrender to fear. Like maybe approach someone I don't know. Or learn to scuba dive. Or something. It's freaking me out to think of doing them, but one step...
You can probably tell I'm in my Walter Mitty phase at the moment. Which, was a brilliant, moving and thought provoking movie, by the way. To just let go and instead of imagining about things, to go out and actually do them. To live in the moment. But ironically, my favourite moment in the movie was when W.M finally found the elusive photographer he was on a goose chase to locate, and he asked him why he didn't capture an even more shy and rare ghost cat (or something of that sort) with his camera after waiting for it for days.
Walter Mitty: When are you going to take it?Sean O'Connell: Sometimes I don't. If I like a moment, for me, personally, I don't like to have the distraction of the camera. I just want to stay in it.Walter Mitty: Stay in it?Sean O'Connell: Yeah. Right there. Right here.
This scene spoke volumes of what I have felt oftentimes but could not express in words. The poignancy of that moment, so sacred and beautiful, there is no need to capture it. Because to catch it, would be to take away from it the very essence that made it special in the first place. Sometimes, it's just enough to be able to stay in the moment. I love it.
One moment that really stood out for me was when we had a really bad freak storm in Penang. I was caught in the rain and had a solitary meal in McDonalds after work because I didn't think I needed an umbrella before the torrent started. Anyway, when I was walking back to my car during a brief hiatus from the rain, I was alone in the carpark in twilight with the wind blowing my hair like a crazy lady and the thunder and lighting. I just felt wild. And free. And oh so powerful and one with God. Like, I don't know how on earth being in the middle of a storm can make one feel crazy and scared but so grounded and safe at the same time. That one moment, nothing else mattered. It was just me and the elements. And I loved every single moment of it. I don't think my words do it justice. Maybe you have moments of your own that you hold so precious that maybe even retelling it might desecrate it.
I've gotten so sidetracked from my original topic. What I wanted to say was, I think I'd like to open a little cafe/coffee shop where books, lover of books, music, and ideas collide. It would be in rustic little shoplot decorated simply with white walls, paper lanterns, and fairy lights in the evenings. Cosy armchairs, and stools for those who prefer them. Beanbags upstairs where the second hand bookstore would be, where people are encouraged to check out books they want to read and buy them if they like it so much. Where people can exchange books and have discussions about them. Also, there would be plants, little pops of green just because I like it. And open mic nights where anyone can sign up as long as they have something worth saying or performing. Homegrown bands starting small would be welcomed too. Ah that would be nice.
Maybe it's a little bit pretentious or "hipster", but how better to meet like minded people. In an ideal world right? Where money didn't matter. Maybe it'll happen some day. When I have the proper experience and money-mindedness to see this start up actually make money. Because in this world, money matters.